James E. Harrison
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James E. Harrison

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Caleb Thompson

Almond Howard

Daniel D. Howard

Darius Howard

George L. Howard

Levi D. Howard

Richard E. Howard


James E. Harson and Polly Howard were married March 12, 1855.

James E. Harrison was born in England.    Polly was born in New York. The 1880 Census in Adrian, Michigan shows the following:

James E. Harrison    55     Granite Worker

Polly  Harrison         52      wife      Keeping House

William H. Harrison  24     son       Granite Worker   born Ohio

Chas. J. Harrison      21     son       Traveling             born Michigan

Fred Harrison            6      son       at school             born Michigan

Geo E Harrison        22      son       Physician            born Ohio

May Harrison           21     DauL     at home             born Michigan

Vernon Harrison     8/12    Gdau                              born Michigan



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